sábado, 10 de julio de 2021


Hello, the truth is that I didn't know what topic to talk about or give my opinion on because there are many haha, but I wanted to lean more towards one that is related to personal knowledge.

 As we all know, we are human beings and as human beings we can make many mistakes, but sometimes the problem itself is not making the mistake, since one learns from experiences and especially from mistakes, but the problem lies in what we do after making a mistake. Usually people (obviously not all) do not have much time to reflect on what he did right or what he did wrong, as they are with a lot of work or study, among other things, so at the end of the day it ends up getting under a rug and is not faced as such. So I personally feel that we all as people should give ourselves a day or an afternoon over coffee and think about the things we do and the impact we can generate on others, whether positive or negative and see if we can change certain things about ourselves and improve or also ask for professional help, and of the good things we do keep doing them haha. 


domingo, 4 de julio de 2021

Favorite subject this semester


Hello, I really had a hard time choosing a favorite subject, since I have not been able to enjoy them in person. But this semester I liked the subject of "oral and written communication". In the classes the professors guide us to do a group project related to the food engineering career and the environment, where they also teach us to communicate in a clear way for a specific audience depending on who it is addressed to. The contents that I have seen are more related to the project that you do with your classmates. In my case it is about plastic containers, how they pollute the marine ecosystem, and how we can contribute to their reduction. They also show us how to make a good power point without so much information and make it more entertaining for each audience. I like this subject, because with it I learn a lot about the career I am studying and how to contribute in a friendly way with the environment and as future food engineers, I also find it entertaining to work as a team and get to know my classmates, even if it is in an online way. 

domingo, 20 de junio de 2021

Story about an expert


Hello, I'm here to tell you about Rachel Carson. She was born in 1907 in Springdale, Pennsylvania. She lived on a farm with her family, where she studied zoology and genetics but was unable to finish her studies due to various difficulties such as the death of her father, so she eventually went to work for the Fisheries Service, where she wrote educational scripts for a radio program called "Romance Under the Waters". Finally she began her career as a marine biologist and writer at the same time.

She wrote texts and summaries for brochures that reached professionals in the sector and the general public. One of the texts that I liked most about her and for which I admire her was about the promotion of seafood, talking about the eating habits of North Americans and how they are replacing classic foods with new ones due to the difficulties of supply caused by World War II.

Then sadly his sister passed away, taking care of his mother and nieces. Then she decides to quit her job and to dedicate herself completely as a writer, where she also writes about various books related to the sea, for example, one of them is called "Silent Spring". I like this book because it talks about DDT, this is a pesticide that in those times was used to control insects in agricultural crops and insects carrying diseases such as malaria in mosquitoes, but what this scientist focuses on is the damage that DDT can produce in harmless species causing toxicity and subsequently the extinction of these species. 

I wanted to add that I also like this scientist for the courage she had to face such difficult situations as that of her family and still go ahead and succeed professionally, helping the public about eating habits in times as scarce of food and as difficult as the World War.

sábado, 5 de junio de 2021

Education in children !!


Hello, I don't really know if I have many things to talk about or maybe I have many, but I can't think of one that is so interesting.

I could comment on the perspective I have on basic education in Chile. I feel that children from childhood have to be encouraged to imagination, also to create things and not limit them to a single study system, I feel that art, planting and harvesting crops, carpentry, etc. should be implemented more. As long as they teach us from an early age to be self-reliant and know the basics to be able to survive in any situation. I remember that I saw on television, on a channel that I don't remember, that in the most developed countries children were taught from an early age to cook, to take care of plants and to be more aware, also to know about a little carpentry. All that was his classes and I found it fabulous, because sometimes the parents do not have the time to be teaching him all those things and that are very necessary in the long term for personal survival, they also taught the children to be more creative and imaginative , which I feel that they don't do much with this type of system, that they prefer that we all be the same and that we cannot develop in what we most want, for example, that instead of studying mathematics as a child, it is better to do things with clay or learn useful things that will serve you for a lifetime. At least that is what I feel for the younger children.

viernes, 28 de mayo de 2021



Hello, it was hard for me to choose a photo that I like since I have too many photos with very nice memories, but this time I wanted to choose a more personal one where I felt free and very happy.

This photo was taken by me in May 2021 at Av. Andrés Bello in Santiago de Chile, where it shows people doing sports activities, such as jogging, rollerblading or cycling like me. I really like this photo, because I feel that now in a pandemic it is one of the activities that I like to do the most, in which I feel free to walk the streets of the city without so many vehicles and with beautiful views.

I always try to ride my bike on weekends, to be able to discharge all the stress that is generated during the week with online classes or other things, I feel that it is one of the most beautiful activities that one can do during quarantine to be able to go out and take a breath.

sábado, 15 de mayo de 2021



I have many favorite movies, where the vast majority have taught me a nice lesson. One of them is the movie "The sword in the stone", I like it a lot because the magician teaches King Arthur how to survive in different adversities, being a fish, a squirrel or a bird, where he shows that in each of the experiences there are good as well as bad things where you have to know how to face them, which is similar to the life of the human being, where we can go through different adversities and we must know how to survive them by looking for the best strategy to face them.

I like movies of all kinds of genres, especially those that are based on real life, except horror ones, because I get tense after seeing them, but sometimes I accompany my cousin to see them, since she likes them a lot haha

The most recent movie I saw is called "Stripe and the last dragon", it is an animated children's film that also leaves a beautiful teaching on believing and trusting people without prejudice to be all in peace and harmony, so I highly recommend seeing it as a family or alone.

I would like to see movies again, but sometimes the time I dedicate to the university does not give me to see them, but now in the week of recess I hope to see some haha.

sábado, 1 de mayo de 2021



As we all know, technology is already part of our lives and is a necessary material for many people who maintain contact with their families from a distance, for teleworking and for online classes. 

Personally, I think that my favorite piece of technology is the cell phone, since thanks to it I can keep in touch with my mother who lives in La Serena and with my brothers who live abroad. I also use it to talk with my friends and know about them while everyone is at home, especially in the situation in which we find ourselves, without contact with our loved ones and distanced from people, I also like to use it for entertainment like instagram , where it allows me to see what other people are doing and also to see memes or interesting topics. One of the things I like to do the most with my cell phone is to take photos of landscapes or sunsets, but even if it doesn't look as good quality compared to cameras, it is what I have within my reach to do it.

That yes, but I am not a lot to use the cell phone frequently, but only if necessary, especially for my family and sometimes for entertainment. Mmmm My life without the cell phone would not be so terrible, but if I would not like the fact of not knowing about my loved ones, since I do not live near them


Hello, the truth is that I didn't know what topic to talk about or give my opinion on because there are many haha, but I wanted to lean ...